Swimming Alone: Tips for Making it More Fun

swimming alone by yourself can be difficult. You may find yourself staring at the blackline or wanting to smash your incessantly ringing tempo trainer with fins. Ideally, swimmers would have a team with whom to practice. Life can get complicated sometimes. Practice times and school commitments can conflict. Vacations can pull us away from our teams. It is important to drain and renovate pools.

Swimming by itself doesn’t have to be difficult. You just need a little creativity. These are five creative ways to spice up your solo practices this season.

1. Keep in mind why swimming alone is so much fun

Write down three things that you love about swimming alone at the top of each practice. You will be more likely to practice your sport with purpose and not with guilt or obligation if you can remember what you love about it. Swimming might be a passion for the adrenaline you get from pounding your fingers on the Japanese Swimming Caps touchpad, the delicious pasta salad your mom makes, or the way your teammates high-five each other after sets.

2. Find your jam

A waterproof MP3 player is worth considering if you are a solo swimmer. To help you keep up the pace, add songs that have strong beats to your playlist.

3. Take care of yourself

Choose three things you want to improve about the race you have just finished swimming alone. Then, do it yourself. You can adapt the practice that your coach gave you to suit your needs or create a practice that focuses on your weaknesses. You don’t always have the chance to play with technique or pacing, no matter how great your coach. Are you struggling with your pullout during an I.M. Set up a practice set for transitioning from breast to back.

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4. You can swim like someone is watching

Although it might seem absurd to think of a race and a crowd, your most prominent competitor is a 75 year-old man in a short two sizes too big. Your biggest fan is the lifeguard who wants you finish your practice fast so she can leave. You can still use your fears and goals as fuel to race. Play a song that you love before your main set. Imagine your friends cheering for you.

5. Reward yourself

Although someone has done it before, it doesn’t mean that you get a pint or Ben and Jerry’s ice-cream for swimming a mile on your off-day. We all deserve a little pat on the back from time to time. If you do not practice well, you can promise yourself something that you will enjoy.